These multi-sample evaporators use a combination of nitrogen blow down, dry heat and vortex motion to evaporate samples and include an 8-place sample block.
The RapidVap N2 Evaporation Systems offer a more efficient, automatic alternative to Kuderna-Danish and rotary evaporators and may be used with a broad range of aggressive chemicals. In RapidVap N2 Systems, a stream of nitrogen or dry gas is directed downward onto the surface of the sample. Nitrogen blow down reduces the partial pressure directly over the liquid to speed evaporation and help remove the solvent as it evaporates. Nitrogen may be programmed for 2, 4, 6 or all 8 tube locations. Vortex motion and dry heat may also be applied to further accelerate processing.
The block holds eight large samples, up to 450 milliliters each, making it efficient for environmental and residue testing. An accessory block that holds eight 170 milliliter tubes suitable for solid phase extraction is also available. In many of these applications, the samples should not go to dryness. The unique Cool-Zone block and tube design significantly reduces the evaporation rate after end point is achieved. The Cool-Zone insulates the samples and allows the researcher adequate time before the samples reach dryness to remove them or to perform solvent exchange procedures. Alarms that signal when timed end point has occurred and when the RapidVap senses that the process is nearing completion allow for unattended operation.
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These multi-sample evaporators use a combination of nitrogen blow down, dry heat and vortex motion to evaporate samples and include an 8-place sample block.
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Provides at-a-glance decision tree, features and benefits, specifications, and evaporation rates of the RapidVap Vertex, RapidVap Vacuum, RapidVap N2 and RapidVap N2/48 Evaporation Systems. Accessories are also described.
Provides information on the level of resistance RapidVap components have toward a number of commonly used chemicals.
For catalog numbers: 7900000, 7900001, 7900002, 7900003, 7900010, 7900011, 7900012, 7900013, 7910000, 7910001, 7910010, 7910011, 7910012, 7910013, 7910014, 7910015
Con la línea RapidVap® de Labconco, puede obtener un alto nivel de procesamiento de muestras de la manera más eficiente. Independientemente del volumen, nuestros evaporadores garantizan la obtención eficiente de múltiples muestras sin comprometer la integridad. Con una repetibilidad en la que puede confiar.
Includes Application Note 16820301: Evaluation of a New Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) System for Sample Cleanup Prior to GC or GC/MS; Application Note 19230603: Post-extraction Gel Permeation Chromatography Cleanup of Animal Liver Prior to HPLC Analysis For Anticoagulant Rodenticides; Application Note 20540204: Using the GPC AutoPrep 2000 System for Cleanup of Olive Oil Prior to Pesticides Analysis by GC/XSD or GC/PFPD; Application Note 22410205: Evaluation of Several Solvents for Post-Extraction Gel Permeation Chromatography Cleanup for Pesticides in Animal Fats; Application Note 22420305: Optimization of Evaporation and Concentration Parameters Prior to Analysis for Pesticides by GC/XSD or GC/PFPD; Application Note 22420405: Optimization of Evaporation and Concentration Parameters Prior to Analysis for Pesticides by GC/XSD or GC/PFPD.
"Pesticide Analysis ... From Soup to Nuts" referencing RapidVap N2 Evaporation Systems
Describes the concentration of various organochlorine pesticides in extracts from solid and liquid matrices using the RapidVap N2 Evaporation System.
This application note shows results of testing conducted by Heritage Environmental Services using the RapidVap N2 Evaporation System.
Describes the concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) as Aroclors or as individual PCB congeners in extracts from solid, tissue and aqueous matrices using the RapidVap N2 Evaporation System.
For validation of predetermined RapidVap N2 and RapidVap N2/48 Evaporation Systems. Provides a checklist of installation and operation qualification to complete when beginning operation on new or used RapidVap N2 and RapidVap N2/48 Evaporation Systems.